Wednesday 29 September 2010

Elizabeth Essay

In the movie of Elizabeth there are multiple props used such as the scissors used to cut the hair of Elizabeth and the scissors symbolise the gaining of her innocents once more, as she is becoming a virgin. Another prop that is used in Elizabeth is white paint that they place on her skin this shows her as a model figure with no emotion. It symbolises her becoming a virgin and being pure and it also makes her face look model like and doesn’t allow her face to express facial expressions.
The facial expressions in the last scene of Elizabeth show a lot about her life just in the brief 2 minutes that we watched it. In the frames where Elizabeth is in her bedroom we see that she is very upset and is crying this is because as she becomes the queen and becomes a virgin once more she loses all of the privileges she once had. Those tears are the tears of her life running down her face carrying memories of great days of joy and fun that she will never get to experience it is like taking away someone’s soul. The followings frames in the courtroom with her face showing no emotions this is showing her strength and that she has no weaknesses and no life to weaken her as the queen she cannot have a personal life to be seen as her weakness.
The settings from Elizabeth are very different the starting frames in Elizabeth’s bedroom the room is very open and there is not much furniture and there is just one large mirror that Elizabeth looks into to show her life all falling away as they cut off her long ginger hair. Whilst the frames in the courtroom are seen as establishing shots to show you all the people gathered in the courtroom and the people create the atmosphere and the setting by all going quite and moving out of the way when the queen enters the room.
There are not many colours used in the last few scenes of Elizabeth the main colours that are used are white and red which are the colours of the England flag. The main use of red that is used in Elizabeth is used to symbolise the fieriness of her personality and her life and as her fiery hair is cut off it shows the loos of her fiery temper and personality it shows that it is all lost when her hair is cut off. The white used in Elizabeth symbolises purity and this is why her dress is all white and why her face is covered in white paint to show that she is a virgin once more and that she is all pure and has no faults to be judged by anyone and that she is superior to all because she is pure and they are not.
The body language in the bedroom of Elizabeth is all sad and negative and it should be because it is the loss of her freedom it is showing that all her life is now gone and she is upset she is all slumped and hunched because she doesn’t want to lose her freedom she doesn’t want to lose her life. The body language in the scene in the courtroom is all proud and majestic it symbolises her power over everybody else and that she is highly respected within the courtroom and amongst the people there.
The clothes that Elizabeth wears in her bedroom are all long night gowns that look like they’re made of silk this instantly tells you of how much they must cost and that her clothes are all made to a really high standard and only the best will do for her.  The dress that Elizabeth wears in the courtroom is one that covers her whole body from neck to foot with long puffy sleeves and huge puffed out skirt which was highly fashionable in those times and she is seen as basically a fashion icon amongst the people there. It shows all the people would love to be her and aspire to be her she is seen as a role model and everybody looks up to her in the courtroom as a admirable queen.
The lighting in Elizabeth is starts off with a blue to grey fade to set the tone of the film as sad and depressing you can tell by the lighting it creates the atmosphere for a sad scene. The lighting in her bedroom is mainly based on the scissors in the maid’s hands and the facial expression of Elizabeth to emphasize her sadness. When the light goes to the courtroom it is all shone from behind her to make her look almost as she is accenting from heaven she is seen as angel like and makes her body look all that bit more pure and makes everybody look at her for the virgin queen she has now become like and makes her body look all that bit more pure and makes everybody look at her for the virgin queen she has now become.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Tom you seem to have covered many parts of the scene and have used media terminology to express your ideas. For the future think about the structure of your essay. Either you can explore each technical code in turn or you start at the beginning of the scene and work your way through looking at all codes. Remember the denotation/connotation method of analysis too and this will help you to focus. Overall a very good first attempt at moving image analysis.
