Wednesday 22 September 2010

Skins Poster

  1. Facial Expression: The facial expresion of the charcter is rather plain and really pale it makes him look like he is dead. It could also show that he is just thinking underwater becauses its quiter than out of the water the reason for his head being under the water has many possible answers.
  2. Body Language: The charcthers body language is really closed and cold showing that he is enclosed from other people in his surroundings and that he is just deep in thought. His body language is also rather narrow showing he is keeping everything close to him or it could just be like the because he has a really narrow bath.
  3. Mode Of Adress: The mode of adress for this charcter is very direct he looks like he is looking directly out o the poster at the reader/passerby who ever is looking at the poster.
  4. Setting: The setting is really one of sadness and really cold to give the viewer of the poster and fans of the show to make it seem like he is dead to get them to make them want to watch the series even more to find out the circumstance of what is really going on within this charcaters bathroom.
  5. Costume: The costume in this picture is none at all the charcter is not wearing any clothes in this section of the poster he could have clothes on in the out of screen shot but he is in the bath and that is highly unlikely of him to be wearing clothes in the bath.
  6. Colour/Lighting : Very much like the first poster the colour and lighting show a really theme of depression and in this poster even death. The light falls on the side of the bath about head level to make the main focus of the light go to his face and his facial expression to show he is deep in thought or dead and creates a question on weather he is alive or not which makes people want to watch it.
  7. Props: The props used in this picture are normally bathroom appliances to show it is just an ordinary bathroom and there is nothing special to it.
  8. Decor: The decor of the bathroom looks pretty dirty whioch could show the person doesnt like cleaning there house or iot is an abdanded house or it is just really dirty. Also this look like the natural design on the bathroom which was brought in the 80s meanig the persons bathroom of whom it belongs to is one who lives in the past as they have kept the same decor that was there in the 80s.

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