Wednesday 22 September 2010

  1. Facial Expression: Michelle facial expression is one of dissapointment and unhappiness and you are drawn to her facial expression for the way the light falls on her face from the window. Sid's facial expression is also very sad but he also seems the rather worried.
  2. Body Language: The characters body language is slumped and open meaning she could be feeling regret, dissapointment or alot of sadness. There is also all the people who are on the floor who look rather close and personal whilst the other female charcter and the male charcter are alone showing that they either are not wanted by others or have seperated themselves from that kind of emotion of being close to someone.
  3. Mode Of Adress: The mode of adress is really poor with the charcter not wearing many clothes and the clothes she is wearing barely on it looks like she has made no effort to try and put them on wihch would also match the facial expression and the body language in showing that she is depressed.
  4. Costume: The costume of all the charcters in this poster is bare minimum the main female charcter in the poster is not wearing many clothes for her costume whilst all the other charcters in the poster are wearing less or none at all so she is the most hidden in terms of costume in this poster.
  5. Setting: The setting is in a bedroom with that has been destroy showing there was some sort of a party with ripped wall paper and teenagers all over the floor like litter. Another thing is that its all pretty dark to show a really negative mood within the room.
  6. Colour/Lighting: The colour and light is really dull and cold to show the nagtive atmosphere within the room. The light also falls onto the boy and girl charcters faces to attract attention to there facial expressions. The mood and atmpsphere of the poster is all showed here with the lighting and colours used in the poster.
  7. Props: there are not many props used within the poster apart from a lamp which makes the light fall on the male charcters face. Also there is the ripped wall paper to give the hint of a house party which is accoiated wiotha  destroyied house and ripped wall paper making the poster fall under the streo type.
  8. Decor: The decor of the room in this poster is pretty destroy showing something must have happened here like a house party. It is also very plain and there isnt many interesting things around the room in the poster showing that the room most propberly a parents bedroom and the party was not known about because there are no parents in the poster.


  1. Good work here Tom. You have explored the mise-en-scene in detail and have considered the connotations. For the future you should write in essay format and check your spellings. Well done.

  2. Mode of Address relates to the relationship the subject wants with the audience, so, whether they are looking directly at the audience (direct mode of address) or not (indirect mode of address). Is the mode of address friendly? Intimidating?
